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Digital Advertising

Weekly Newsletters

  • AHF - 2x per month, 35,000 Subscribers

  • MFE - weekly, 60,000 subscribers

  • Rates starting at $1450 per ad unit for AHF

  • $2580 for MFE Business Update

Digital Banner Advertising/ Run of Site

  • 300x250 Banners + 728x90 Leaderboard

  • High Impact Impressions

  • Rates starting at blocks of 25,000 impressions = $1675

Co-Branded Emails

  • $400 Cost Per Thousand Subscribers

  • Client provides HTML, MFE or AHF Delivers

  • Sample AHF

  • Sample MFE

Native Advertising (click for sample) 

  • 300–500 words including headline, one contextual link, up to two photographs

  • Exclusive advertising on owned article pages (100% SOV)

  • Native articles promoted via high impact promotion vehicles within website and editorial newsletters, will include “Brought to you by” Sponsor message

  • Promotions via social media to a combination of Twitter and/or Facebook

  • Zonda executes upload and provides reporting metrics.

  • Rates start at $8500 per article per month (client provided content)

  • Zonda Marketing Services can also produce, design and edit content

Fusion Series (click for sample)

  • Topic Exclusivity + Editorial Alignment

  • Sponsor a 3 article series and include 2 native articles for a total of 5

  • Dedicated Landing Page at no additional charge

  • Each article promoted for 30 days in newsletter, website and social media

  • All content written and designed by Zonda Marketing Services

​Digital Edition Sponsorship

Sample Digital Replica (Cox Communities Sponsored this one):

The sponsor also gets recognition on the email announcement that gets sent out to all 55,000+ MFE newsletter subscribers.  Announcement Sample

Deliverable Summary

  • Distribution of 55,000 digital replicas of print publication (35,000 for Affordable Housing Finance)

  • Sponsor gets 3 ad units: logo on email, full page ad across from magazine cover, skyscraper across from each page

  • MFE will host the ads and provide reporting on deployments, opens, etc.

MFE Newsletter April 2021.jpg
sample newsletter
AHF-K 1.png
  • Facebook Social Icon
  • Twitter Social Icon
  • Google+ Social Icon
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